Importance of Pure Attention

October 14, 2012 at 4:25 pm | Posted in Divine Messages, Meditation, Quotes, Videos | Leave a comment
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“Mother Earth has done Her job. Wherever it was possible for Her, She has created living deities to show that God exists. That you can now test their vibrations and see for yourself how She has worked very hard. She has created all this beautiful universe. She has created you also. She has created the kundalini within you. She represents the beautiful nature we can say. In Her company, in Her bounties when you are drenched and you all meet each other, you see for yourself that how She blesses all of you just the same. There is no difference between you and any other person for Her. But those who are sensitive, are subtler people, enjoy Her much more than you people do…

If you are seekers and if you are ascending, you are definitely unique, specially blessed. And you have to pay special attention to yourself. You can’t afford to play with yourself. So you have to discriminate between ego or ego trips as they call it and ascent. Ego trips bring you back with the worst hurting. It would be something like throwing you in the air and again you come back with a bump and break one of your legs or something like that. That’s what ego trip is. But ascent is where you really rise above. Not only that you rise but with you, you make others rise. In your ascent, you develop tremendous powers. The higher you ascend the better it is. But not by understanding that I am perfect you can ascend, never so.”

Shri Mataji, Open Your Heart, 1981

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